The Ways of the Worldviews: A “Table of Contents” For You…With Links!

I thought I’d provide this post as an overview of my entire “Ways of the Worldviews” Series. I’ve broken it up in the the various “ages” with their corresponding posts. Enjoy and feel free to browse!

The Greco-Roman Age (Posts 1-12)
(Part 1): Ancient Greece–Frolicking with the gods on the shores of the Aegean Sea

(Part 2): The Philosophy of Classical Greece (479-323 BC): A Very Brief Look at Socrates–Democracy, Tyrants…and the Unexamined Life

(Part 3): The Philosophy of Classical Greece: Plato’s Academy…Virtues, Forms, and What’s Really Real

(Part 4): Classical Greek Philosophy: Aristotle–Finding the Universals in the Particulars

(Part 5): Classical Greek Philosophy: Stoics, Epicureans, and Cynics…Oh My!

(Part 6): Ancient Rome (and how the USA is its reincarnation)

(Part 7): Early Christianity–a Fulfilled Judaism

(Part 8): Early Christianity within Roman Society–When in Rome (prepare for a horrible life!)

(Part 9): Christianity in Ancient Rome–The True Counter-Cultural Movement

(Part 10): Early Christian Philosophers: Justin Martyr, Athenagoras of Athens, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen of Alexandria

(Part 11): Early Christian Philosophers–Tertullian and Irenaeus of Lyons

(Part 12): Christian Persecution in the Roman Empire

The Byzantine Age (Posts 13-18)
(Part 13): The Byzantine Age (313 AD-1054 AD)–The “Middle Ages” that Never Were

(Part 14): The Rise of Constantine and the Development of Byzantine Christianity

(Part 15): Christian Philosophy in the Byzantine Age–(Actually, This is Mostly on Augustine!)

(Part 16)–A Hodgepodge of Information about Christianity, Slavery, and the Differences Between East and West

(Part 17): Monaticism and Pagan Europe

(Part 18): Charlemagne, the Carolingian Renaissance…and the Rise and Threat of Islam

The High Catholic Age (Posts 19-30)
(Part 19): The Emergence of the High Catholic Age (1054-1517 AD)

(Part 20): The Reasons for the Crusades

(Part 21): The Reality of the Crusades: Why Pacifism on a National Level Isn’t Christian

(Part 22): Monasteries and Universities in the High Catholic Age

(Part 23): Philosophy and the Universities in the High Catholic Age

(Part 24): Thomas Aquinas, Philosophy, and the High Catholic Age

(Part 25): Thomas Aquinas’ “Five Proofs” for the Existence of God

(Part 26): Monks and Capitalism…Open For Business!

(Part 27): The Cultural Influence of the High Catholic Age–Music, Literature, Art, Architecture (Yeah, it’s a pretty big deal!)

(Part 28): The Renaissance…Not quite what you probably assume

(Part 29): Galileo and the Inquisition

(Part 30): Last Thoughts on the High Catholic Age (aka…”Those filthy peasants have no Christian Faith!)

The Protestant Reforman/Revolution (Posts 31-37)
(Part 31): The Protestant and Secular Revolutions (1500-1700)–A Short Introduction

(Part 32): Martin Luther, Sola Scriptura, and Authority (But whose? And for what purpose?)

(Part 33): Martin Luther–Sola Scriptura and Autonomous Reason–Was He the Godfather of Enlightenment Thinking?

(Part 34): Martin Luther: Salvation, Free Will, and Human Reason

(Part 35): Martin Luther, the Anabaptists, and a Revolution in Church/State Relationships

(Part 36): John Calvin and TULIP! (Yes! Total Depravity, Predestination…all that!)

(Part 37): Wrapping up the Protestant Revolution, Touching upon the Catholic Reformation, and Drawing the Battle Lines for the Wars of Religion

The Subversive-Secular Revolution/The Enlightenment (Posts 38-46)
(Part 38): Niccolo Machiavelli, and the Subversive-Secular Revolution (aka Luther’s Evil Twin)

(Part 39): Thomas Hobbes–Leviathan Arises

(Part 40): Baruch Spinoza, and How to Control Religious Idiots

(Part 41): Let Me Introduce You to the So-Called Enlightenment

(Part 42): The Bridge to the Enlightenment: Bacon, Locke, Descartes, and Pascal

(Part 43): The Enlightenment and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Is it too much to say he’s the devil?)

(Part 44): More on the Enlightenment–Two Brief Notes on Voltaire and David Hume

(Part 45): Immanuel [you] Kant [be serious]

(Part 46): Enlightenment Odds ‘n Ends–Revolution, Columbus, and the Slave Trade

The 19th Century: The Age of the Modern Nephilim (Posts 47-57)
(Part 47): The 19th Century–The Age of the Modern Nephilim

(Part 48): The Philosophers who Set Up the Chessboard for the 19th Century: Kant, Hegel, and Feuerbach

(Part 49): Karl Marx, Dialectical Materialism, and the Philosophical Framework for Atrocities

(Part 50): Charles Darwin, Evolution….the the Opening of a Can of Worms, Oh my!

(Part 51): Charles Darwin–What His Theory is…and Oh, He Wasn’t an Atheist

(Part 52): Charles Darwin and The Descent of Man–Yes, Racism and Eugenics are Really Bad

(Part 53): Darwinism, Genocide, and the Fear of Evangelicalism

(Part 54): Friedrich Nietzsche–The Philosopher of the Hammer

(Part 55): Soren Kierkegaard–Getting Naked and Self-Conscious, and the Meaning of Faith

(Part 56): Now for something a bit different…Poetry, Art, Music, and Perspective

(Part 57): Draper and White’s False Narrative of the Conflict Between Science and Faith

The 20th Century: The Age of Fundamentalism and Fragmentation (Posts 58-67)
(Part 58): Introduction to the 20th Century

(Part 59): Vladimir Lenin, the USSR, and the Rise of Communism

(Part 60): Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, Birth Control, and Abortion

(Part 61): Adolf Hitler and National Socialism

(Part 62): Sigmund Freud, and His Scientific Claims that Religion is an Illusion

(Part 63): Margaret Mead and Alfred Kinsey–Sex is on the Menu

(Part 64): 20th Century Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism (You’re going to learn a few things you didn’t know)

(Part 65): US Involvement in the Middle East–The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

(Part 66): The Complicated Mess that is the US Involvement in the Middle East

(Part 67): Israel is Not God’s People; the Middle East Problems are not all the United States’ Fault

Postmodernism and the 21st Century (Posts 68-71)
(Part 68): Enter the Postmodernists–Jacques Derrida and Jean-Francois Lyotard

(Part 69): Postmodernism and Michel Foucault–Systems of Power

(Part 70): The 21st Century: Mounting Pressures and Crumbling Foundations

(Part 71): So, How Should We Then Live?

1 Comment

  1. Wonderful! Thanks for this list, and thanks for doing this series! It’s been very enlightening, and inspired me to read more of the source and supplemental material you referenced.

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