A Very Brief Rant on Ken Ham…


Want evidence I am a masochist? I’m reading “Inside the Nye Ham Debate”–the most mean-spirited, arrogant, manipulative, deceptive, passive-aggressive tripe ever put on paper. I have to get this out of my system. Just this morning, over the span of 15 minutes of reading, I came across these gems:

1. The Big Bang IS A RELIGION

2. When you look at the stars in the night sky, you are not looking at the past (due to the fact regarding the speed of light). NO–you are looking at the way they currently are, because ACCORDING TO KEN HAM, light does not move at a constant speed in a vacuum! That distant starlight arrives at earth INSTANTANEOUSLY!

3. Then in a moment of supreme irony, he addresses the charge that creationists insist that natural laws can change. His answer: WE DON’T THINK THAT! GOD CREATED NATURAL LAWS! THEY DON’T CHANGE! …this is actually on the very next page after he claimed that light can speed up or slow down at will!

4. Lions only became meat-eaters after the Fall. But wait a minute, Genesis 9:3 talks about how carnivory was only allowed by God after the flood! NOT SO, according to Ham! Animals could eat flesh before the flood! But Ken, what’s your biblical evidence for that? What’s that? There is none? Hmmmm….

5. For that matter, lions weren’t even on the ark! Only two “cat kinds”–lions came about through speciation after the flood…and since we know lions existed in the time of David (3,000 years ago?), that would mean modern day lions “speciated” from those original to “cat kinds” over the span of no more than, what, 1,000 years? How can anyone believe such utterly stupidity?

6. FINALLY, in response to the charge that creationists say the Bible serves as a science text–Ken Ham says, “No we don’t! That’s ridiculous! We hold no such position!” AND THEN, IN THE VERY NEXT PARAGRAPH, he says, “You can call the Bible ‘God’s historical science textbook'”!!!!

I’m not making any of this up…. Run, don’t walk, run away from Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis. If your pastor follows this guy, find a new church, because you’re on the doorstop of a cult.


  1. But Joel, you should remind your readers to bequeath all their money to Ken Ham before they run away. After all, God surely wants us to build a Ziggurat in his name and our children can fend for themselves. I am pretty sure that’s like a direct quote from Nahum or one of the other books Christians rarely read. 😉

  2. This sounds like tripe – and a bid to assure AiG supporters and other YEC Christians (if nobody else) that Bill Nye lost’ the debate’ and that AiG can in fact ‘answer’ all the points he brought up – though I don’t claim to have forked out to AiG for the privilege of reading it. But years of reading similar stuff on YEC websites and interacting with some of them tells me that the online YECs are pathological liars (even if they believe their own propaganda), as documented here by myself and others:

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