A Bird’s Eye View of the Posts I’ve Written on Ken Ham This Past Year

aigTo get ready for the opening of Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter, as well as my self-published book, The Heresy of Ham, I thought I’d provide a post in which I list all the posts I’ve written on Ken Ham over the past year, so that it might be easier to find them. Enjoy…use this as a reference…share it with your friends and loved ones.

(August 8, 2015): Why I am Not Teaching This Year
(August 9, 2015): Ken Ham, Is He Just Wrong, or is He Really a Heretic?
(August 11, 2015): A Cheat Sheet for Understanding the Heresy of Ham
(August 14, 2015): Holy Ham! E.T. is an Atheist!
(August 17, 2015): Ken Ham’s Claims that there’s No Evidence to Support Evolution
(August 18, 2015): The Hermeneutics of Ham, and His Wrong Idea of “Authority”
(August 19, 2015): Ken Ham’s Rejection of John Walton
(August 21-23, 2015): Answers in Genesis vs. Peter Enns (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
(August 24, 2015): My Ultimate Frustration with Ken Ham
(August 31, 2015): Pass the Lightsaber!
(Sept 1, 2015): Ken Ham Takes on Christian Group Gungor
(Sept 5, 2015): Ken Ham Tries to Fry Up Francis Collins
(Sept 17, 2015): Ken Ham, the Bad Magician
(Sept 30, 2015): Ken Ham and the “Traditions of Men”
(Oct 1, 2015): Bible Doctrines for Today, AiG…and Porn?
(Oct 1, 2015): A Brief Rant on Ken Ham
(Oct 9, 2015): Ken Ham Dirties Up Millard Erickson with Pig Slop
(Oct 15, 2015): Ken Ham, BioLogos, and Charles Templeton
(Oct 25, 2015): Ken Ham’s “Seven C’s of History”
(Nov 3, 2015): Ken Ham, Richard Dawkins…and Ben Carson
(Nov 5, 2015): Ken Ham on James McGrath
(Nov 6, 2015): Ken Ham’s Big Ark…Misguided Message
(Nov 11, 2015): Answers in Genesis Attacks NT Wright
(Nov 16, 2015): Irenaeus of Lyon (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
(Nov 22, 2015): Answers in Genesis and the Moon Landing
(Nov 23, 2015): Ken Ham Attacks BioLogos and Tim Keller
(Nov 30, 2015): Answers in Genesis Attacks Karl Giberson (Part 1) (Part 2)
(Dec 16, 2015): Ken Ham vs. Michael Gungor, Round 2
(Dec 19, 2015): Ken Ham’s Impossible Claims About the Flood
(Jan 7, 2016): Ken Ham Answers the Question, “Why Don’t Scientists Accept YEC?”
(Jan 19, 2016): Ken Ham’s Fascination with Virgins, and the Shutting of Doors (Part 1) (Part 2)
(Jan 19, 2016): Ken Ham and Bryan College
(Feb 1, 2016): Ken Ham and the Wonderful World of Twitter (Part 2)
(Feb 20, 2016): Ken Ham’s Got 18 Tweets, and the Truth Ain’t One!
(Feb 22, 2016): Ken Ham…What a Neanderthal!
(Feb 25, 2016): Answers in Genesis, Neanderthals, and the “Creation Model”
(Feb 25, 2016): Answers in Genesis, and the Subterfuge of Andrew Snelling
(Feb 26, 2016): How Answers in Genesis is Really Good at Confusing You
(March 1, 2016): Ken Ham is Coming to Town (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
(April 15, 2016): Ken Ham and Josh Feuerstein…on Twitter
(April 18, 2016): Adventures in YEC Logic
(April 27, 2016): Answers in Genesis Review’s “God’s Not Dead 2”
(May 6, 2016): Ken Ham on Tyler Francke: Does the Creation/Evolution Debate Hurt the Gospel?
(May 9, 2016): Answers in Genesis, Getting “Scientificy” (Part 1) (Part 2)
(May 11, 2016): AiG and Atheists and Billboards: Welcome to Junior High!
(May 28, 2016): AiG, Star Trek…and Khan Ham
(June 2, 2016): Gregory of Nyssa and the Evolution of Man
(June 8, 2016): AiG’s Top Ten Myths about Creation (Part 1) (Part 2)
(June 10, 2016): Does Jesus Eat Ham Sandwiches with Moses?–Ken Ham’s Exegetical Talents at Work


  1. That’s a whole lot of ham! You really brought home the bacon with that one. (Sorry! I’m tempted to make some cholesterol and saturated fat jokes, but I’ll refrain.)

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