From Nashville to Denver (Part 3): The Anderson Statement–Conclusions I’ve Come to Regarding LGBTQ-related Issues

A few months ago, when Eugene Peterson, in an interview with Jonathan Merritt, said he would perform a same-sex wedding if two gay members in his congregation asked him to, the Evangelical world thought the world was coming to an end, and Progressives Christians exploded in celebration on social media. Peterson was called a heretic…

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From Nashville to Denver (Part 2): My Critique of “The Denver Statement”

In my previous post, I critiqued the recent Evangelical statement known as The Nashville Statement regarding biblical sexuality in general, and homosexuality and transgenderism in particular. My criticism of it came down to basically this: although many of its points did, in fact, reflect the historical Christian position on a number of things, it was…

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From Nashville to Denver (Part 1): My Critique of “The Nashville Statement”

It was almost two weeks ago that I started seeing Twitter and Facebook posts about something called The Nashville Statement—a 14-point declaration on biblical sexuality by a wide coalition of conservative Evangelical leaders. It was met with choruses of condemnation by various progressive Christian leaders and LGBTQ groups alike, and was labeled as bigoted hate…

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The Preposterous Claims of the New Atheist Movement: Why “The Selfish Gene,” “Meme Theory,” and “The Evolution of Religion” are Baseless and Unscientific

Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett have made a killing in their recent media blitz over the past 10-15 years. Nevertheless, I find many of their claims are just a preposterous and baseless as those of Ken Ham, for they too are ultimately biblical literalists who hold to an Enlightenment-based worldview. The…

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Charlottesville (Part 3): The Fallout Over This Past Week…I give up

For most of today, while my son was at school, I worked on writing this “Part 3” of my thoughts related to the Charlottesville tragedy last week. But then, after watching the news tonight, I decided I wasn’t going to use anything I had written. Here’s why. We Don’t Want Healing It occurred to me…

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Charlottesville, Racism, and Politics (Part 2): Institution, Privilege, and Supremacy

In my previous post, I focused on what I felt was the biggest obstacle we face in this country when it comes to addressing our current racial divisions (not to mention other contentious social issues): we’ve made partisan politics our religion, and we are so intent on defending out ideological turf, that we absolutely refuse…

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Charlottesville, Racism, and Politics (Part 1): What Are We Doing Wrong?

Eight years ago, I started my first blog back when I was still teaching Worldview at my former school. You could have called me either fearless or naïve, but fairly regularly wrote posts on contemporary social issues that were deemed controversial. I thought that if Christians were open and honest with each other, regardless of…

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The Genre, Historical Context, and Purpose of Genesis 1-11

Genesis: O Where to Begin? The book of Genesis is about beginnings: the beginning of creation, of humanity, and of civilization itself. Now, many of us in the modern western world simply assume the “beginning” the writer had in mind was the beginning of the material universe, and that Genesis 1 is giving us a…

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Early Christian Writings: The Didache–Circa Late First Century AD (Chapter 5-16)

The Didache is one of the earliest Christian writings after the Apostolic period (i.e. the first century) that we possess, and it gives us a glimpse into early Christianity–what was emphasized and taught–immediately after the Apostolic period came to a close. To read the first four chapters of the Didache, click here. Here, in chapters…

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Early Christian Writings: The Didache–Circa Late First Century AD (Chapters 1-4)

For the next few posts, I am going to share a more “reader-friendly” version of The Didache. It is one of the earliest Christian writings after the Apostolic period (i.e. the first century) that we possess, and it therefore gives us a glimpse into early Christianity–what was emphasized and taught–immediately after the Apostolic period came…

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